Raising money, fighting cancer

The Ligue Sénégalaise Contre le Cancer (LISCA) is an association created in 1985 to support cancer patients in Sénégal. This year the DWG will be hosting a live auction of works from female artists to raise money for LISCA. The live auction will be held Tuesday October 12th from 9:30-12:30 at the Sokhamon Hotel. If you wish to submit a bid online please fill out the form below and specify the piece you are seeking. Thank you for supporting LISCA and the fight against cancer!

The Event

Entrance fee is 6,000 cfa for members and 11,000 cfa for non-members. The fee includes morning tea, a specially made pink mask, your choice of 30 min workout activity, the live auction of art by local female artists, and presentations.

We will hear testimonials from a DWG previvor and a presentation from our keynote speaker Dr. Fatma Guenoune, President of LISCA.

Please RSVP to this event via dwgmembership1@gmail.com by Saturday October 9th.


Discover local female artists, while fighting cancer

Let the Bidding Begin


Bidding can be done in person at the event or online through the form below. If bidding online please refresh page regularly to see the latest bid prices live. There is no limit to the number of times you may re-bid (i.e. no limit to online form submissions, just refresh the page to bid again).

Bidding will be in increments of 5000 cfa only. Payment can be made via Orange Money or cash.

UPDATE: Bidding will now close at midnight.

All proceeds benefit Ligue Sénégalais Contre Le Cancer (LISCA)


Bidding Close Countdown

  • Mère

    Artist: Lyd de Dak

    Dimensions: 30 cm x 40 cm, Framed

    Value: 45 000 cfa

    Starting Bid: 40 000 cfa

    Wining bid: 50 000 cfa to Sari Ganulin

  • Bonheur Insouciant

    Artist: Mamy Photographie

    Dimensions: 32 cm x 40 cm

    Value: 35 000 cfa

    Starting Bid: 30 000 cfa

  • Merveille

    Artist: Lobé Ndao

    Dimensions: 31 cm x 31 cm

    Value: 135 000 cfa

    Starting Bid: 120 000 cfa

    Winning Bid: 140 000 cfa to Zama

  • Solace

    Artist: Mimi

    Dimensions: 25 cm x 20 cm, Framed

    Value: 80 000 cfa

    Starting Bid: 70 000 cfa

    Winning Bid: 90 000 cfa to Kawtar Ait El Haj

  • Fraternité

    Artist: Awa Ndiaye

    Dimensions: 85 cm x 65 cm

    Value: 300 000 cfa

    Starting Bid: 270 000 cfa

  • Lompoul

    Artist: Arlette Diop

    Value: 40 000 cfa

    Starting Bid: 35 000 cfa

    Winning Bid: 45 000 cfa to Beatriz Planas

October Breast Cancer Instagram Code (Instagram Post) (2).png

The Spirit of Giving

Thanks to your support we will be hosting a Giving Ceremony Thursday October 21st to officially present LISCA with all funds raised

 Thank you to everyone who attended the event and helped raise awareness!