Environment Committee

  • Environment Committee

  • Environment Committee

  • Environment Committee

  • Environment Committee

  • Environment Committee

Caring for the Environment

The committee identifies eco-friendly initiatives within Dakar, to cooperate with in carrying out various green activities and initiatives for example: beach cleanings, training organized by Zero Dechet Association in order for The DWG to be one of zero waste ambassadors.

Our main objective is to become part of the green solutions in Dakar by increasing awareness of environmental issues within The DWG and our community.


  • Ciprovis

  • Miya

  • Plastic Man

For additional information about the Environment Committee please contact us at DWGenvironment@gmail.com

Join the Environmental Committee!

In order to join the Environmental Committee, you need to be a paid member of the DWG. We meet once a month for a formal meetings and a community visit.

We are 100 % volunteers who are passionate about sustainability and environmentally friendly solutions in Dakar. All of our excursions are self-funded. We would love to get more volunteers involved!

2023 Excursions

Tolou Keur of Tataguine, Tolou Keur of Sessene and Beersheba Project 


Toubab Dialaw Farm & Les Deux Minarets Villas


Village des Tortues


Plastic Odyssey Ship

For additional information about the Environment Committee please contact us at DWGenvironment@gmail.com